Saturday, October 31, 2020

October Happiness


I don't know about you, but I'm definitely enjoying this cooler weather! May your last two months of the year be the best; filled with productivity, happiness, and love!!

~Whitney Wills~

Weekend visit to my parents, we had fun making pinecone bird feeders 
~there's no place like home~

Movie night calls for fall harvest trail mix with hot apple cider!

Sister Time

What's New In The Kitchen: Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Sliders

Matteson Trail: Quick morning run before work

I had to work, but I heard my sister and niece had a blast at the pumpkin patch this year!

Fresh burgundy manicure + warm caramel apple crisp....why Hello Fall

I have the best brothers 

Bana, my sister and I had fun celebrating with you and your family at your Halloween Birthday party!
~May He grant you a lifetime of peace, love, and joy~