Monday, April 1, 2019

What’s In My Grocery Cart

 Happy April you all

Happy April you all!! A new month means a new chance to make life improvements, such as better dietary habits! I know this is something I’ve always strived to do but it can become pretty tricky working in a hospital. During the week the cafeteria serves delicious meals, such as fried catfish, macaroni and cheese, and collard oreo crumble pudding (like how can you say no to that!). However, as the days pass the sluggish feeling and weight can add up fast! In an attempt to cut back on the calories I have decided to start packing my lunch again. Below are the lunch items purchased for this week. I’ve never tasted almond butter before so I’m looking forward to that!! I picked items that were low in sodium and high in protein and carbs, not just sugar and empty calories. Like they say, “health is wealth”, and good dietary habits early on will make such a difference years down the road!! I have to thank my sister, she recently began her own challenge, which I attempted to do with her, and I saw just how difficult it was to stick with it! Time to get back on track!

Below is link I found on NPR last week discussing a few food items that are not only good for you but the environment as well! Happy reading!!