Friday, January 18, 2019

Pray It Forward

Most of my friends would describe me as beyond bubbly, always cheery, and positively positive. During my med school ball I was awarded the superlative “most likely person to make you smile”. However, like everyone I have faced personal hardship and stormy seasons. My outlook on life during those periods has helped me to overcome tough obstacles. Through every test or trial I hold fast to His unchanging hand, say a prayer, then press forward knowing that with Him on my side everything will be alright. If you’re going through a season of uncertainty or transition, keep your eyes fixated on him, pray without ceasing, and cast all your cares on Him knowing that he will take care of you! Remember, test and trials only come to make you stronger, wiser, better. You may not feel instantaneous change but remain steadfast and keep the faith, He will see you through!!