Greetings! If you've been following my blog you know that I recently passed my board exam and was set to begin my clinical rotations this week. If you are new, welcome to my page, I'm thrilled that you found it (given the somewhat complicated title) and I hope you visit again!
Every student that attends Ross University SOM is required to do their first rotation at the Miramar, Florida site; it is located roughly 20 minutes away from Miami. I arrived early last week and settled into my new place. As the weather stations began predicting the storm path of Hurricane Irma I felt it was best to travel upstate to Orlando to stay with my friends family. Yesterday, during the late afternoon, I made the decision to drive back to Atlanta. I arrived back home at roughly 1am, I felt it was the best choice. The concern from family members, friends (including a phone call from my Planet Fitness gym in Atlanta), and classmates has been heartwarming and appreciated. Below are a few pictures from my trip.
I am praying for the Florida community and for all the staff tirelessly working around the clock to ensure the safety of those affected.
A Peruvian dish; one of my first meals upon arrival, it was delicious |
Lake Eola Park located in Orlando |
Sculpture Take Flight by artist Douwe Blumberg |
Sculpture Muse of Discovery by artist Meg White |
Upon leaving downtown Orlando I drove past a German Bakery! I instantly turned around, my grandmother is German and every time I encounter one of these amazing places I stop off and pick something up for her. I found a yummy looking fruit spread, I hope she likes it! |
I asked the lady that was working there for a recommendation and she suggested this cake called, Bee Sting Cake (Bienenstich). It had a crème filled center and topped with honey roasted almonds. |
I stayed in a lovely town called Sanford, the people there were really nice. The lady that I was staying with took me over to their welcome center to pick up a Sanford t-shirt! |
She also introduced me to the great wonders of a pressure cooker. It literally cuts your cooking time in half and your food ends up perfectly cooked and flavorful! I'm thinking about investing in one of these, it would be perfect for the upcoming year. |
During the drive back home, I began listening to this audiobook. I would recommend it, the author (also physician) makes a wonderful connection between totality in health, happiness, and peace and it's interconnection between the belief in a higher being than yourself. You can find it on YouTube. |